Nutrition and lifestyle for women
Women have specific nutritional needs, suitable for each stage of their life. Adolescent girls, for example, need more Ca and vitamin D for the construction of a healthy bone system, which during (pre)menopause could prevent osteoporosis.
Young women will need a higher caloric intake than in adolescence, to support the growth and development of the body. On the other hand, after the age of 25, when the basal metabolism gradually begins to decrease, caloric intake must be adapted and physical activity needs to be intensified.
Do you want to build an optimal nutrition model for your period of life? Can you imagine how it would feel if your body was fed the right nutrients for hormonal balance, health and a higher level of energy?
Opt for one of the programs that suits you:
Nutrition and lifestyle for fertility/conception
Nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy
Postpartum nutrition for lactation
Nutrition in premenopause and menopause
Nutrition and lifestyle for fertility/preconception
Optimal nutrition during pregnancy actually begins in the preconception period.
This is why before you get pregnant you need to make sure that your body has the right amounts of specific nutrients and
optimize your body mass index. This is because suboptimal weight, overweight or obesity have been clinically proven to be impact factors
negative on fertility. Did you know that the weight status of the woman before becoming pregnant is a predictor of the pregnancy's progress?
Who is it for?
For women who want to increase their chances of getting pregnant and plan a healthy pregnancy.
What is included?
Your family and personal health history
useful in determining nutritional status
Diet history
follows the qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of your food pattern with the identification of possible nutritional gaps
Nutritional education
regarding the factors (i.e.: direct and comorbidities) that affect fertility, details about how your metabolism works, provisions of the international nutrition guidelines for preconception, optimal macro- and micronutrient requirements, fluid requirements and food safety recommendations
Master plan for the food model
built starting from your bio-individuality, in which you included details about macronutrients, how to organize and schedule each meal, how to optimize inflammatory markers, hormones, etc.
Information about supplements or fortified foods
Defining and tracking the parameters of your new lifestyle
(parameters validated by studies regarding their extremely important role in increasing fertility): stress management, type and duration of weekly physical activity, sleep architecture, elimination of smoking and alcohol consumption, etc.
The types of environmental toxins to which you are frequently exposed
to avoid during preconception, conception and during pregnancy
Acquiring healthy nutritional habits that can be maintained in the long term
through behavioral techniques for successful lifestyle change and stress management techniques (i.e.: mindful eating, breathing techniques, etc.)
Support between sessions by e-mail, phone or whatsapp
Meeting notes
Program details
5 sessions
320 lei/session or 1.250 lei
12% discount for whole payment
Nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the nutritional intake of the woman requires an increase in protein, Zn, Fe, choline, Cu, Iodine, Vitamin A, folates, etc. Also during this period, a lot of physiological metabolic changes take place and it is necessary to avoid the consumption of certain foods. This is why a program dedicated to nutrition and shaping a new lifestyle can help you adopt healthy habits and have a very clearly structured strategy based on scientific evidence and not based on myths.
Who is it for?
For women who are underweight or overweight, for those who want to have a healthy pregnancy, who want to change their eating habits for the better and adopt a lifestyle suitable for this period of their lives.
What is included?
Your family and personal health history
useful in establishing nutritional status
Diet history
follows the qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of your food pattern with the identification of possible nutritional gaps
Nutritional education
regarding the factors (i.e.: direct and comorbidities) affecting the period of pregnancy, details about the metabolic changes during pregnancy, provisions of the international guidelines regarding nutrition for the period of pregnancy, key nutrients for fetal and neonatal development, fluid requirements, nutritional risk factors in pregnancy and food safety recommendations
The benefits and advantages of breastfeeding
for both the mother and the baby
Details about weight gain
and distribution of weight gain according to body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy
Master plan for the food model
built starting from your bio-individuality, in which you included details about macronutrients, how to organize and schedule each meal, how to optimize inflammatory markers, hormones, etc.
Information about supplements or fortified foods
Defining and tracking the parameters of your new lifestyle
(parameters validated by studies as having an extremely important role during pregnancy): stress management, type and duration of weekly physical activity, sleep architecture, elimination of smoking and alcohol consumption, etc.
The types of environmental toxins to which you are frequently exposed
to avoid during pregnancy
Acquiring healthy nutritional habits that can be maintained in the long term
through behavioral techniques for successful lifestyle change and stress management techniques (i.e.: mindful eating, breathing techniques, etc.)
Support between sessions by e-mail, phone or whatsapp
Meeting notes
Program details
6 session
320 lei/session or 1.500 lei
12% discount for whole payment
Optimal postpartum nutrition for lactation
The period after childbirth is a special stage in a woman's life, from the perspective of returning to the optimal weight, of body remodeling, but also of the need for careful monitoring of daily fluid consumption and the quality of the food pattern for healthy lactation. Did you know that the postpartum period is called the "fourth trimester", as a result of the need to monitor the mother's hormonal/hydroelectrolytic and nutritional balance?
Who is it for?
For women who have recently given birth and want to return to their optimal weight in a healthy and balanced way, while ensuring that they have optimal lactation.
What is included?
Your family and personal health history
useful in establishing nutritional status
Diet history
follows the qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of your food pattern with the identification of possible nutritional gaps
Nutritional education
regarding the factors (i.e.: direct and comorbidities) that affect the postpartum period, provisions of the international guidelines regarding nutrition for the lactation period, your individualized energy needs, fluid needs, nutritional risk factors in the postpartum and lactation period and safety recommendations grocery shop
Details on getting back into balance
harmonized with the requirements of the breastfeeding period
Master plan for the food model
built from your bio-individuality, including details on macronutrients, how to organize and schedule each meal, how to optimize inflammatory markers, hormones and how to ensure your recovery from physiological metabolic changes during pregnancy
Information about supplements or fortified foods
Defining and tracking the parameters of your new lifestyle adapted to the postpartum and lactation period
managementul stress-ului, tipul şi durata activităţii fizice săptămânale, arhitectura somnului, eliminarea fumatului şi a consumului de alcool, etc
The types of environmental toxins to which you are frequently exposed
to avoid during lactation
Acquiring healthy nutritional habits that can be maintained in the long term
through behavioral techniques for successful lifestyle change and stress management techniques (i.e.: mindful eating, breathing techniques, etc.)
Support between sessions by e-mail, phone or whatsapp
Meeting notes
Program details
6 sessions
320 lei/session or 1.500 lei
12% discount for whole payment
Nutrition in premenopause and menopause
WHAT and HOW MUCH you eat during (pre)menopause can influence the health of the bone system, the preservation or accelerated loss of muscle mass and the risk of developing chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, etc.).
Who is it for?
Women who are approaching or going through the pre-menopause or menopause period, who know that lifestyle is a major predictor of health and of reducing the risk of the most common pathologies characteristic of menopause (i.e.: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, vascular accidents, etc.) ) and who want to effectively manage their typical symptoms of this period (i.e.: hot flashes, changes in lipid metabolism, bone, etc.)
What is included?
Your family and personal health history
useful in establishing nutritional status
Diet history
follows the qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of your food pattern with the identification of possible nutritional gaps
Nutritional education
regarding the factors (i.e.: direct and comorbidities) that affect fertility, details about how your metabolism works, provisions of the international nutrition guidelines for menopause, optimal macro- and micronutrient requirements, fluid requirements and food safety recommendations
Acquiring healthy nutritional habits that can be maintained in the long term
Master plan for the food model
built starting from your bio-individuality, in which you included details about macronutrients, how to organize and schedule each meal, how to optimize inflammatory markers, hormones, etc.
Information about supplements or fortified foods
Defining and tracking the parameters of your new lifestyle
stress management, type and duration of weekly physical activity, sleep architecture, elimination of smoking and alcohol consumption, etc
The types of environmental toxins to which you are frequently exposed
to avoid during menopause
Acquiring healthy nutritional habits that can be maintained in the long term
through behavioral techniques for successful lifestyle change and stress management techniques (i.e.: mindful eating, breathing techniques, etc.)
Support between sessions by e-mail, phone or whatsapp
Meeting notes
Program details
8 sessions
320 lei/session or 2.000 lei
12% discount for whole payment