The results of companies depend on the involvement and ability to work of their employees. But both the engagement and the ability to work of the employees depend to a great extent on their level of wellness.
This is why lately more and more authorities and institutions started to monitor the relationship between the employees' lifestyle on the one hand and the decrease in productivity and the increase in absenteeism on the other.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that more than 75% of healthcare costs and those related to decreased productivity are directly related to the lifestyle choices of employees, nutrition being an essential factor.
Nutritional counseling and education today represent an extremely effective benefit for employees, considering that 85% of a person's health level is directly correlated with the quality of their food pattern.
Increased productivity
Improved work quality
Improved job satisfaction
Decrease in absenteism
Decrease in employee turnover
Improve energy levels
Decreased risk of chronical diseases
Efficient stress/burnout management
Increase in the levels of responsibiliy and empowerment
They are personalized, being designed based on the questions/curiosities that each team/group of employees has regarding quality nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
They include techniques to modify eating behavior and teach employees how to eat healthily, with unprocessed (or minimally processed) food in accordance with the caloric and nutritional needs characteristic of different stages of life.
Goes into details about the modern theory of the 4 pillars of wellness: Nutrition, Mental Health, Physical Health and Financial Health.
They include the latest information from international (USA, Australia and UK) nutrition and physical activity guidelines.
They contain "cheat sheets" on how to transform the information received during the course into habits for the rest of your life. We discuss applied how habits are formed: "marginal gains" and "the habit loop".
As a certified specialist and International Nutrition Educator I build content structured on the principle of "evidence-based ”, which ensures the delivery of information in a clear and flexible manner, which further constitutes a valuable input for obtaining a high degree of adherence to the changes that a healthy food model implies.
I meet employees where they are: onsite or online.
for nutritional analysis and menu optimization
for employees who wish to obtain additional, personalized information after attending group courses/seminars/webinars